Chenin Blanc


750 ml

Winemaker’s Notes:

The grapes were picked from first light to mid-morning with a sugar content of 20°B and at a temperature of 23°C, and were stored overnight in a cold room at 4°C. They were de-stemmed and crushed the next morning and left on the skins for three hours before pressing. The free-run juice and light pressing was allowed to settle for 24 hours before being racked over into stainless steel fermenting tanks and was allowed to ferment dry under cold fermentation conditions of 14°C for four weeks.

The wine was left for two months to settle before fining with bentonite, filtering, and bottling.


Tasting Notes:

A crisp, dry white wine with notes of melon, pear, and apple with a creamy finish. Best served chilled and partners well with white meats, seafood, and salads, or as an everyday, enjoyable drinking wine.

Category :

Wine Maker: Graham Anley

Assistant Wine Maker: Ruduwaan Cooper

Origin: Calitzdorp

Varietals: Chenin Blanc

Vineyard: Besemkop

Altitude & Orientation: 260 m on a southern facing vineyard at the base of Besemkop, north of the town of Calitzdorp.

Soil type & Rainfall: Karoo shale with clay. Irrigation is by canals and flood irrigation from the Calitzdorp dam The 2022 harvest experienced heavier than normal seasonal rainfall.

Climate: Continental with hot dry summer days and cool evenings. The diurnal temperature variation gives the grapes time to cool overnight, creating complexity in the wines.

Aging: Unaged

Bottling Date: May, 2022

Production: 800 bottles – 750 ml


Alcohol 12%

TA  6.5 g/l

pH  3.48

RS  1.3 g/l   


750 ml